Respect Māori interests and knowledge
With a shared governance model that is underpinned by the articles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, New Zealand’s water sector is entering a new stage of management that incorporates regionalised (and localised) Māori knowledge and oversight. In the spirit of genuine partnership between iwi and hapū and tangata tiriti, it will be necessary to (a) commission iwi- and hapū-led initiatives to oversee all aspects of Te Mana o Te Wai, including strategies for iwi and hapū participation in the workforce, and (b) build wider awareness of the principles of Te Ao Māori and Te Mana o te Wai, particularly among tangata tiriti.
Build understanding of Te Mana o te Wai:
Raise awareness among tangata tiriti (both within and outside of the sector) to foster a shared understanding of the significance of Te Ao Māori and how it relates to water service management, and what it means to give effect to Te Mana o te Wai.
Understand new opportunities for iwi and hapū roles and pathways:
Commission iwi- and hapū-led research to understand and shine a light on the types and scale of industry roles needed to give effect to Te Mana o te Wai and how to design sustainable and enduring talent pipelines to train and fill these roles.
Provide a bridge for rangatahi Māori into existing water roles:
Commission iwi- and hapū-led research about how to bridge pathways for young Māori into existing water sector roles by designing alternatives to traditional school pathways and making the sector more attractive to Māori.
Support iwi-led leadership initiatives:
Commission iwi- and hapū-led research about how to create pathways and foster workplace cultures that recruit, sustain and retain Māori, and that nurture and advance leadership for Maori at all levels of the water sector and its supporting industries.